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Spiritual Consultant

Manifest your higher timeline, now!

"The wound is the place where the Light enters you."
- Rumi


...But the greatest of these is Love

I have a vision to create heaven on earth, through unconditional love. Given this I have made it my mission to help each individual to discover their inner light, and through that live the best possible life- to live through love. The most central part of this is to have love for ourselves, for eachother, for the planet and its creation. Through clairvoyance, healing and mindfulness I can guide you in connecting to your inner light and discover your own greatness.

Selection of Services

Hvide planter
Billede af Krystal Ng


Your life's possibilities and challenges are revealed to you through clairvoyance. It can also aid in providing you with the messages you need that derive from your personal guides.

Power Healing

I practice healing as an alternative kind of treatment to repair both psychological and physiological imbalances within the body. 






You can live in the present moment fully conscious thanks to mindfulness meditation. Everyone has this quality, but due to the busyness of daily life, many people seem to forget it. Tap into the power of the present with my guidance.

Mission & Vision

My biggest passion is to integrate the scientific aspect with spirituality. I believe that there is a need for a holistic view that integrates science and spirituality. Spirituality is a wisdom that is about how effectively we relate to each other. Science seeks to enlighten our brain, whereas spirituality enlightens our heart. They are both necessary to get the full benefit of knowledge. For many years, science has led the way, but now more and more scientists are also recognizing the need for a holistic view. I apply this view in the awareness that we are more than just matter.


The decisions you make now affect your future! I am passionate about helping you experience inner peace, strength, love and joy. Everyday life can become playfully easy if you are fully aware of living in the now - by being mindful. When you live completely in the now, flow is created in you. This helps you to live in your highest light and become the best version of yourself.


Why is our world often so "dark" when I know the universe is pure love? All healing begins from within. Therefore, you can heal the world by creating awareness of your inner self. What you do for yourself, you actually do for our world. When you are aware of your own dark side, you can respond by shedding light on it. By working with what does not serve you, it turns into something more constructive. This is alchemy!



The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a Just society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.


-Albert Einstein





My Reviews:






Empathic reader who helped me come to peace with my situation. So much love throughout the reading. I feel uplifted and lighter, and the answers I got were so right.





Warm, passionate, excellent!I Needed some clear anwers about my future - and I got everything I called for. Thanks!





Strong and inspirational psychic who gave me a wonderful reading with a lot of insight. Thank you! I didn't know who I was anymore after a crisis in my life. But Rozina guided me back to myself through the reading. I am. She lifted me up and showed me the path to follow. I no longer grope in the dark.





Great experience. I'm happy I had a very comforting conversation and reading with Rozina!!! God bless you Rozina





Just amazing how the reading was so precise. I recognised myself in everything and was even guided to the next level. The whole session was full of love, and I really enjoyed it. Huge thanks!





I was drained and struggling with everyday things. This session was full of empathy, and I felt very comfortable the whole time. Even though it was over the phone, it felt like she was just beside me. Thank you for an amazing experience! Through remote healing and angel activations Rozina helped me protect my energi, also in the long run.




Please contact me by phone to book an appointment.
Tel: +45 6018 0272

Angelicca Charania, Christoffers Allé, 2800 Lyngby
CVR- 42508578

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